The Four Pillars
The Dominican Order, or Order of Preachers, is built on Four Pillars which direct the Order’s actions, spirituality, and way of life. The Four Pillars are Prayer, Study, Community, and Apostolate. All are interconnected and interdependent and are firmly centered in the twofold commandment to love God above all else and to love one’s neighbor as oneself.
Continual conversation with God is essential for all Catholics, and is especially so for Lay Dominicans! Praying individually and in community, privately and liturgically, we deepen our relationship with God and our love for Him and neighbor.
We cannot love what and whom we do not know, and we cannot constructively speak to matters that are unfamiliar to us. For these reasons the Lay Dominican takes study quite seriously - striving to learn more of God, the Catholic faith, and the issues of our times. A Lay Dominican is always learning; therefore, in addition the formation modules studied during the years leading to a member’s final profession, the monthly meetings include opportunities for more learning and engaging discussions.
As lay members, we do not live together in community, as our brothers and sisters in the other branches do. Rather, we experience community by way of our frequent coming-together as a fraternity. We meet at least once a month for prayer, study, and fellowship - all of which serves to nourish each member as they walk their own unique path towards sanctity. With all of our other time spent with our families and in our homes, we are able to combine the communal experience of the home unit and the religious home.
Dominican apostolates are activities that proceed naturally from the other pillars of prayer, study, and community. These activities are carried out to serve Christ and His Church by “preaching” from our lay state in life, that is, by manifesting our faith in, and love of, Christ amid a secular world. We manifest our love by finding ways to bring Christ to souls and souls to Christ.