From our Members…
I was thankful to discover that my hunger for wanting to devoutly live out my faith, and for wanting to learn more of it for the purpose of handing it on to others, were quite common characteristics of the members of the Order of St. Dominic. For anyone considering joining the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic, I would say: Being a lay Dominican means being a member of an Order that is rich in tradition, blessed with many Saints and Blesseds, and full of devotion; however, it is a vocation nonetheless that must be discerned, and that may take some time and much prayer. It should be refreshing to note that the formation process fully encapsulates this discernment; so, if you feel you may be called, don’t hesitate to reach out and join us for a meeting—there is no commitment and these may help you learn if this truly is the manner in which God is calling you to achieve sanctity!
Frank (Pier Giorgio)
I am married with two young children. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in International Relations & Diplomacy and a master's in History, I now work in local government. I was first drawn to the Order of Preachers by the online work of Father Gregory Pine, O.P. In conducting further research on the Order and specifically its Lay membership, I felt that this was the ideal community where I could put my “nerdiness” to good use. The Dominican Order encourages personal growth through prayer and study to be used for the glory of God and the good of one’s neighbors through preaching for the salvation of souls. I recognized that I could take my love of study and learning and apply it, through the Order, in a way that would benefit others and please the Lord.
Charlene (Catherine)
Being an ardent lover of Scripture, I fell for St. Dominic’s marvelous ability to convert an Albigensian overnight by quoting Scripture. Words cannot express my joy in studying and meditating on the Truth with the aid of eminent Dominicans. Though I am a poor speaker and unworthy to be a member of the Order of Preachers, I made my perpetual promises as a Third Order Dominican in Nov 2017. For it was God’s will that I take up the reins [as Director] of a vibrant fraternity of ardent, enthusiastic, and remarkably talented Dominican Laity from January 2020 onward. To those discerning God’s calling to the Order, my advice is, “Pray for the grace to desire, know, and do God’s will for the glory of the Lord.”
Sheila (Elizabeth)
I have worked in writing and editing for various Catholic media outlets since earning my B.A. in English in 2016. On discovering lay Dominican life, I quickly fell in love with the support it offers one’s spiritual life, its fraternal spirit of community, and its characteristic devotion to Our Lady. Having learned that the Order’s charism of “preaching” can take many forms, I am discerning an apostolate of service and friendship for the poor, the struggling, and whoever God puts in my path. I am profoundly grateful to be learning my faith more deeply and to belong to the Dominican family!
Sarah (Mary Catherine)