The Lay Dominican’s Role
The Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic recognize that members of the Laity have a primary obligation to their respective vocations as spouses, parents, working members of society, sons, daughters, and siblings. As such, the demands of family life and the workplace are understood to take a central role in the lives of Lay Dominicans.
However, Lay Dominicans serve as a constant witness to the Dominican way of life within their families, schools, communities, and workplaces by performing corporal and spiritual works of mercy, ever mindful of the love God has for each one of His creatures and His desire that all should come to know, love, and serve Him.
We act out of love for God and neighbor and work to bring His beloved children back into His fold.
The Dominican friars fulfill a priestly vocation and are called in a particular way to preach the Word of God.
Dominican nuns serve one another through communal labor and prayer. They support the mission of the friars through fervent prayer and contemplation and pray for the needs of the whole world.
The Dominican laity serves the Order, the Church, the entire world, and of course, the Lord God through a variety of apostolates which are in conformity with all Four Pillars and which further the Order’s mission of preaching for the salvation of souls.
This could entail teaching CCD, leading an RCIA group, creating publications or online content to teach the truths of the Faith, engaging in prison ministry, praying for and assisting expectant mothers considering abortion, ministering to the spiritual needs of the sick and elderly in nursing homes, and so on.