Online Presence of the Order
All members of the Order live out their charism of preaching to the world by way of many different modes.
The Order, especially within our very own Province of St. Joseph (Eastern U.S.), has launched many initiatives aimed at preaching … especially by way of online platforms.
In fact, you may have come across a few!
The Thomistic Institute (TI) – Physically located in Washington, D.C., it is an academic institute of the Pontifical Faculty of the Dominican House of Studies.
The TI frequently posts excellent videos and commentaries from friars and academic professors on topics including philosophy, theology, and contemporary issues.
These can be found on their YouTube channel and in their podcast.
Aquinas 101 – St. Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar and scholar of the thirteenth century who, by his many theological and philosophical works, became one of the most important Doctors of the Church and thinkers of Christianity.
His works, especially his Summa Theologiae, which he developed to summarize our faith, continue to serve the Church, though they may seem intimidating to undertake on one’s own.
The Aquinas 101 program consists of a series of free, short videos that walk one through St. Thomas’ works in a very approachable way, aiming to make these practical and accessible, and to bring the light of truth from his profound works to all.
The Dominican House of Prayer (DHOP) – From their website, DHOP is a House of Studies for the Soul.
DHOP's focus is on helping others grow in virtue and holiness and into deeper union with our Lord.
DHOP is the public ministry of two Dominican priests and two Dominican lay leaders who together wish to share their experience and understanding on prayer and the spiritual life with the world at large.
To that end, DHOP offers homilies, conferences, and brief discussions on various topics related to Catholic spirituality and devotional practice in its YouTube channel and retreats online and on-site.
LayDominicans.org – Finally, if you are interested in learning more of the Lay Dominicans in the Eastern U.S. (Province of St. Joseph), please visit our very own website…