Monthly Meetings at the Monastery…
Lay Dominicans of the Holy Rosary Fraternity in Summit meet at a minimum of once a month at the beautiful monastery in Summit, NJ.
Our meetings are an essential part of our Community pillar. They provide the opportunity for all members to pray together—including praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary.
The meetings also include a talk by one of the fraternity’s own members—serving as a means of learning and study for the group to engage in discussion and to take the knowledge gained back to our daily lives and apostolates.
Annual Mass of Professions…
Every year, generally at the end of the year, the fraternity celebrates a Mass of Professions. Celebrated by a friar or priest associated with the Order, the Mass of Professions is when the fraternity’s members, after having fully discerned their call to the Dominican Laity, and having completed their required formation study, make their temporary or final profession.
After the Mass, those interested postulants are formally received into the Order and the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic, and are “vested” in their small white scapulars. The Mass of Professions is a beautiful, solemn occasion for all in the fraternity!
Annual Retreat…
Every June, the fraternity hosts a short, day-long retreat that is open to anyone that is interested. The retreat offers a perfect opportunity to disconnect from the world for a bit and reflect on wonderful subjects of the faith that are eloquently expounded upon by a Dominican friar who leads the retreat. These are generally held at the beautiful St. Joseph’s shrine in Stirling, NJ.
May Crowning & Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary…
Every first Sunday of the month of May, the Nuns at the Monastery of the Holy Rosary invite all to attend the Crowning of the Virgin Mary. This historic event includes the recitation of the Rosary, a procession, and a wonderful sermon by a Dominican friar.
A similar event to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is held every October. The Fraternity’s members happily support these two momentous occasions—offering refreshments and fruitful discussion to all in attendance immediately following each of the events.
Participation in Praying Vespers with the Nuns…
The Fraternity is very blessed to meet at the monastery and to be joined by the Nuns and their most beautiful, angelic choir at many of our Masses. Any opportunity to pray with them is an honor and a blessing. This is especially so every second Sunday of the month, where the Nuns invite all to pray Vespers with them, followed by Benediction. If you haven’t experienced this yet, we certainly invite you to do so!